Découvrez Paris de l’occupation à la libération. Pour évoquez ces événements tragiques nous serons au cœur des combats devant la préfecture de police et aux plus près des barricades du quartier latin.
Since the Romans, but at that time it was the city of Lutece, Paris had never been invaded. It was therefore necessary to wait nearly 2000 years for the Nazis to enter Paris in 1940 and for Hitler to pose in front of the Eiffel Tower. How we lived for 4 years, which gave us hope with his call in June 1940, how we resisted and how we liberated ourselves with our allies and the entry of the GIs in 1944. Let’s be at the center of the battle in the city island, close to the barricades and the fighting and discover the bullet impacts still present on our most beautiful buildings. A short walk nearby Saint chapelle, Cathedrale Notre dame de Paris, the river seine, Place saint Michel and the police HQ (prefecture).